SU Tas (Scripture Union Tasmania) is an interdenominational Christian organisation that works with local churches and communities to bring hope and God’s Good News to children, young people and their families and help people of all ages meet with God through the Bible and prayer. We have worked in Tasmania for over 50 years through camps, missions, school programs, resources and school chaplaincy services.

We specifically support the work of SU Tas' Chaplaincy program who employs chaplains in 83 primary and secondary schools and colleges across the state. They are an integral part of the support staff in schools, providing spiritual and emotional support to school communities: students, staff, and families. SU Tas chaplains are funded by school communities, generous support from local churches and community organisations, and the National School Chaplaincy Program. SU Tas chaplains are selected based on their qualifications and skills.

To learn more click HERE.